The range of careers means that there isn’t a typical entry route into the environmental sector. If you want to work in the environmental aspects of another field, find out about the best entry routes from the relevant sector pages. As with any job, look out for adverts – check out magazines concerned with the environment, the national and regional press, and take a look at online environmental jobs sites. If there are specific organisations that you’d like to work for, it’s well worth making speculative applications. Volunteering can be a way to get your foot in the door – if you demonstrate your excellence as a volunteer, you might be offered a paid position when one becomes available. You might even be able to create a position at the organisation through the government’s
New Deal job creation scheme.
How competitive is it?
The heightened awareness of environmental issues means that there are an increasing number of jobs in the sector. It also means that more people are studying environmental subjects, creating more competition for graduate positions. The sector employs 1.5 million people, and more than 25,000 new employees will be needed in the next five years, according to Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the Environmental and Land-based Sector. It’s important to recognise that you don’t have to work in the environmental sector – you will be able to practise and promote sustainable development in practically any career.
How can I stand out from the crowd?
There are lots of ways that you can make yourself attractive to potential employers:
- Student membership of relevant societies will not only increase your knowledge of the sector and show your commitment, but also give you opportunities to network and make useful contacts.
- Keeping track of developments in your field and staying informed of issues again shows your commitment and interest.
- Volunteering is a great opportunity to gain some experience, which all employers love to see.
- If your chosen career requires certain skills, take courses to ensure you have the right ones. IT skills are essential in almost all fields so make sure yours are up to scratch. It’s worth the investment if it helps you get a jobs!
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